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Tsitsiashvili, G. Sh., <p>Institute of applied mathematics Far Eastern Branch of RAS Vladivostok, IAM FEB RAS,</p>


Usov, T. M., Ufa state aviation technical university
Utlyakov, G. N., <p>Ufa state aviation technical university</p>


Valeev, A. R., <p>Ufa state aviation technical university</p>
Valeev, R. A., <p>Ministry of the interior of Bashkortostan Republic</p>
Vasilyev, V. I., Ufa State Aviation Technical University
Vatazin, A. V., M. F. Vladimirsky Moscow regional clinical and research institute (MONIKI)
Vlasov, V. A., Faculty of automation and electronicsnational research nuclear university "MEPhI"
Vlasov, V. A., Moscow engineering institute (state university)
Vlasova, S. V., <span>The Russian research institute of exploitation </span>
Voxmintsev, A. V., <p>Chelybinsk state university</p>


Woern, Heinz, <span>Karlsruhe Institute of Technology</span>


Yudin, V. N., Russian academy of sciences Institute for system programming
Yusupova, N. I., Ufa state aviation technical university
Yusupova, Nafisa Islamovna, Ufa State Aviation Technical University


Zaitov, I. N., <p>Ministry of natural management and ecology</p>
Zhernovkov, M. A., Ufa state aviation technical university
Zykov, Sergey V., State university - Higher school ofeconomics

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