Volume 1. Session 1 Information Systems
Feature Extraction from Images with Use of Convolutional Neural Networks: Application to Securing Personal Data | |
K. V. Mironov, T. R. Sokhin |
Web-based Information System for the Impact Assessment of Energy on the Geoecology of the Region | |
L. V. Massel, V. R. Kuzmin |
Volume 1. Session 2 Information Technology
Stream Handling Large Volume Documents in Situationally-Oriented Databases | |
Artem Sergeevich Gusarenko, V. V. Mironov, N. I. Yusupova |
The Method of Mathematical Modeling of Processes to Identify, Establish Characteristics and Relationships of the Connections of Socially Significant Phenomena | |
Vyacheslav Viktorovich Antonov, Ya. S. Mikhailova, V. A. Kolesnikov, L. V. Chernyshova |
Model Reduction Algorithm for Fast Neutrality Tests and Fault Localization of Simulink Models | |
Nafisa Islamovna Yusupova, X. Hu, A. Morozov, K. Ding, K. Janschek |
Improved Stochastic Control Flow Model for LLVM-based Software Reliability Analysis | |
Nafisa Islamovna Yusupova, V. Vidineev, K. Ding, A. Morozov, K. Janschek |
Volume 1. Session 3 Artificial Intelligence Tools
Dynamic Cognitive Maps for the Substantiation of Strategic Decisions on Management of Energy Sector Development | |
A. G. Massel |
The Structure of Secure System for Collection, Storage and Processing of Telemetric Information on the Slate of Aircraft Subsystems | |
M. B. Guzairov, V. V. Berkholts, A. M. Vulfin, A. I. Frid, K. V. Mironov |
Solving the Point-Plane Problem for the Class of Affine Transformations and Development of a Fast Iterative Algorithm for Registering of 3D Point Clouds | |
A V Vokhmintsev, A. Melnikov, T. Botova |
Scenario Approach for Analyzing Extreme Situations in Energy from a Cybersecurity Perspective | |
A. G. Massel, Daria Gaskova |
The Efficiency Comparison of the PRISM and Storm Probabilistic Model Checkers for Error Propagation Analysis Tasks | |
Nafisa Islamovna Yusupova, T. Fabarisov, K. Ding, A. Morozov, K. Janschek |
Volume 1. Session 4 IT Applications
Intelligent Decision-Making Support in Energy and Ecology in View of The Quality of Life | |
L. V. Massel |

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