Volume 1. Cover Page and Contents Proceeding
Cover page and contents proceedings | PDF (English) |
Nafisa Islamovna Yusupova, G. T. Popov, Heinz Woern, George Kovacs, Jivka Ovtcharova |
Volume 1. Session 1 Information Systems
Analysis of the Territorial Systems State Based on a Complex of Indicators | PDF (English) |
D V Blinova, V E Gvozdev, O I Khristodulo |
Development of unidirectional data diode system in the secure environment | PDF (English) |
A G Vorontsov, S A Petunin |
Architecture of The Security Access System for Information on the State of Automatic Control Systems of Aircraft | PDF (English) |
K V Mironov, D Ju Zakharov, V V Berkholts, A M Vulfin, A I Frid |
Application of the component analysis for regions in education, labor, innovations | PDF (English) |
B G Ilyasov, E R Gabdullina, E Sh Zakieva, E A Makarova |
The algorithm for generating search queries for structuring the content of heterogenous information space | PDF (English) |
D G Shamidanov, G V Startsev, A A Barmin, M A Shilina |
Meteoinformation Systems as a New Approach to Study Meteorological Phenomena | PDF (English) |
Mironov Valeriy Viktorovich, G R Vorobeva, A V Vorobev, O I Khristodulo |
Snow cover characteristics for the hydrological Volga sub-basins and their influence on spring floods in the Republic of Bashkortostan | PDF (English) |
Olga I Khristodulo, A F Atnabaev, J Leitner, I Klein, A J Dietz, A V Vorobev |
Volume 1. Session 2 Information Technology
JSON Documents Processing Using Situation-Oriented Databases | PDF (English) |
Artem Sergeevich Gusarenko, Valeriy Viktorovich Mironov, Nafisa Islamovna Yusupova |
Searching for information and development of expert assessment of new technological solutions in energy infrastructure | PDF (English) |
A N Kopaygorodsky |
Data mining technologies in the problem of designing the bank transaction monitoring system | PDF (English) |
K V Mironov, A V Nikonov, A M Vulfin, M M Gayanova, M U Sapozhnikova |
Cardiovascular diseases diagnosis on the basis of neural network analysis of the biomedical signals | PDF (English) |
K V Mironov, M U Sapozhnikova, A M Vulfin, M M Gayanova, A V Nikonov |
Analytical Toolset for Model-based Stochastic Error Propagation Analysis: Extension and Optimization Towards Industrial Requirements | PDF (English) |
Nafisa Islamovna Yusupova, T Fabarisov, K Ding, A. Morozov, K Janschek |
Methodology of software system building for distributed processing of regional authorities spatial data (the case of the republic of Bashkortostan) | PDF (English) |
S V Pavlov, O A Efremova |
Formal representation of the model for implementing system engineering functions on the basis of the necessary diversity of structural relationships with the polycubic data organization | PDF (English) |
L E Rodionova, A R Fakhrullina, V V Antonov, G G Kulikov |
Use of ontology management operations and technologies in the subject field of «Oil Production» | PDF (English) |
V V Martynov, Tatyana Didyk, Ludmila Fandrova, Julia Sharonova, Elena Filosova |
Volume 1. Session 3 Artificial Intelligence Tools
Transformation of cognitive models into knowledge base of production expert system | PDF (English) |
A G Massel, D V Pesterev |
Processing Means of Heterogeneous Data Using Ontological Engineering | PDF (English) |
Olga Nikolaevna Smetanina, A V Klimova, N I Yusupova, M B Guzairov |
Dynamic management model of the life quality integral indicator as a multilayer interaction system of triad factors | PDF (English) |
B G Ilyasov, E R Gabdullina, E Sh Zakieva, E A Makarova |
Simulation of salt reserves exhaustion | PDF (English) |
R R Nurgaliev, E A Muravyova |
The new combined method of the generation of a three-dimensional dense map of environment based on history of camera positions and the robot's movements | PDF (English) |
A V Vokhmintsev, M S Timchenko |
Genetic algorithms for designing complex onboard radioelectronic systems in the conditions of interval uncertainty | PDF (English) |
E A Bondarev, V N Efanov |
Volume 1. Session 4 IT Applications
The use of the historical job data scheduler to analyze high performance computing applications | PDF (English) |
A G Vorontsov, S A Petunin, P S Petuninа |
Effective scheduling method of the cloud system of collective access to virtual working environments | PDF (English) |
L V Legashev, I P Bolodurina |
Situation calculus as development of semiotic approach to constructing intelligent decision-making support system | PDF (English) |
Lyudmila Massel, V R Kuzmin |
The Need for Integrating Research on Critical Infrastructures, Quality of Life and Safety | PDF (English) |
Lyudmila Massel |
Application of risk-based approach to identify critical facilities in the energy sector with regard to cyber threats | PDF (English) |
Daria Gaskova, Aleksei Massel |
Optimization of the procurement process by state budget educational institution on the basis of the categorical approach to information system design | PDF (English) |
I B Gerasimova, R A Murzakhanova, V V Antonov |
On issue of Modelling the Oil Producing Well as a Complex Multi-component Control Object | PDF (English) |
V I Vasilyev, I F Nugaev |
Management of Masters training in terms of employer’s requirements and unsupervised activities supporting | PDF (English) |
V V Martynov, O V Shiryaev |
Design of multi-level intelligent control systems for complex technical objects on the basis of theoretical-information approach | PDF (English) |
S S Valeev, V I Vasilyev, B G Ilyasov |
The air excess factor effect on the fuel combustion behind the V-shaped flameholder | PDF (English) |
A E Kishalov, K V Markina |
The energy-efficient technologies in the educational program of the architectural higher school | PDF (English) |
Alexander Alexandrovich Petunin, G B Zakharova, A I Krivonogov, G B Zakharova |
Three-dimensional numerical thermogasdynamic modeling of combustion processes in the boiler furnace of a steam boiler DKVR-10/13 | PDF (English) |
V D Lipatov, A E Kishalov |
Volume 1. Session 5 Robotics
Testing a mobile robotic wheelchair controlled with several channels | PDF (English) |
Evgeny Chepin, K Y Kudryavcev, T I Voznenko, A A Gridnev |
Volume 1. Session 6 Mathematical Models, Algorithms and Simulation
The conceptual model of anthropocentric objects for the onboard tactical intelligence systems | PDF (English) |
N D Simkina, B E Fedunov |
Generalization of Mass Flow Rate Determination Algorithm with Application to Gas Production and Transport | PDF (English) |
K K Argunova, E A Bondarev, I I Rozhin |
Remodeling Approach as a Way to Automate Complicated Systems | PDF (English) |
A S Sysoev, S L Blyumin, P V Saraev, A V Galkin |
Routing in CNC Cutting Machines: Engineering Constraints | PDF (English) |
P A Chentsov, A A Petunin |
Models and methods for the organization of information support in scheduling | PDF (English) |
E Yu Rassadnikova, N I Yusupova, O N Smetanina, A I Agadullina |
Deductive Ergatic Design of Constructive Tasks Solutions | PDF (English) |
S G Maslov, A P Beltiukov |
Formalizations of the single vehicle pickup and delivery problems | PDF (English) |
R V Gindullin, E M Bronshtein |
Processing of Interval Data in Databases for Analytics | PDF (English) |
A V Galkin, A K Pogodaev, P V Saraev |
Increasing the reliability of numerical data under conditions of indeterminacy using several methods | PDF (English) |
V P Zhitnikov, N I Zhitnikova, R R Muksimova, N M Sherykhalina |
Volume 2. Cover Page and Contents Proceeding
Cover page and contents proceedings | PDF (English) |
Yusupova Nafisa Islamovna, G. T. Popov, Heinz Woern, George Kovacs, Jivka Ovtcharova |
Volume 2. Session 1 Information Systems
Geodata-Based CRM Integration: from Unified Data Model to Efficient Marketing Strategies | PDF (English) |
N. Fomichyov, V. Abdulmyanov, A. Sivtsov, S. Zykov |
Analysis of the GRID’s basic topological structures reliability | PDF (English) |
V. E. Gvozdev, L. R. Chernyakhovskaya, D. V. Blinova, D. R. Akhmetova |
Semantics in Information systems | PDF (English) |
E. P. Skokleneva |
The architecture of the web application for protected access to the informational system of processing critically important information | PDF (English) |
A. I. Frid, A. M. Vulfin, V. V. Berkholts, D. Ju. Zakharov, K. V. Mironov |
Volume 2. Session 2 Information Technology
Architecture of heterogeneous computation system for complex dynamic objects simulation | PDF (English) |
A. I. Zagitova, S. S. Valeev |
The analysis of the problems of supporting information security in industrial control systems | PDF (English) |
I. R. Garipov, I. V. Mashkina |
Computational procedure of estimating deviations of electrical parameters at design of onboard radio-electronic systems | PDF (English) |
A. V. Bondarev, T. V. Sazonova |
Public health component in building information modeling | PDF (English) |
N. Butina, A. Trufanov, A. Tikhomirov, Z. Ashurova, O. Berestneva, E. Shubnikov, K. Sharopin |
Practical solution of a health care quality management problem | PDF (English) |
P. B. Kozhin, G. S. Lebedev |
Volume 2. Session 3 Artificial Intelligence Tools
Neural network modeling for diagnostics support of myocardial infarction localization | PDF (English) |
R. R. Akhmetvaleev, N. Sh. Zagidullin, I. A. Lakman, D. V. Popov |
Fuzzy Modeling of Dynamic Multistage Process Non-Linear Stages | PDF (English) |
N. Y. Zhbanova |
Design and implementation of the system of virtual integration of data on the basis of ontology | PDF (English) |
I. I. Khairullin |
Ontological analysis methods as a tool for a personal decision making process | PDF (English) |
E. B. Startseva, A. Yu. Grimaylo, F. Llopis Pascual |
Volume 2. Session 4 IT Applications
Complex analysis of medical data with Data Mining usage | PDF (English) |
N. I. Yusupova, G. R. Shakhmametova, R. Kh. Zulkarneev |
Development of short curciut current calculation module for automated electric power supply control system web-application | PDF (English) |
O. Nurgayanova, R. Khakimov |
Application of system-based dynamic modelling to enterprise human resource management | PDF (English) |
L. I. Buharbaeva, L. A. Ismagilova, M. V. Frants |
Multi-agent software architecture for distributed streaming data processing in heterogeneous computer networks | PDF (English) |
A. S. Kovtunenko, S. S. Valeev |
Application of intelligent data-driven models in the adaptive control, monitoring and diagnosis system of the robotic cutting machine | PDF (English) |
R. A. Munasypov, S. I. Fecak, K. A. Masalimov, U. V. Idrisova |
Volume 2. Session 5 Robotics
Stability of Rotating Ball in Chamber Filled with a Fluid | PDF (English) |
O. N. Dementev |
Volume 2. Session 6 Mathematical Models, Algorithms and Simulation
On Finding Probable Explaining Causes | PDF (English) |
E. Yu. Orekhov, Yu. V. Orekhov |
Comprehensive Maturity Model for Customer Relationship Management | PDF (English) |
M. N. Kharisov |
Modern technologies of modeling of technological processes | PDF (English) |
M. A. Plotnicov, E. I. Filosova |
Identification and Approximation Errors Investigation | PDF (English) |
V. P. Zhitnikov, R. R. Muksimova, O. R. Zinnatullina, D. K. Kas’yanov |

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