Volume 1. Cover Page and Contents Proceeding
Cover page and contents proceedings | PDF (English) |
Nafisa Islamovna Yusupova, G. T. Popov, Heinz Woern, George Kovacs, Jivka Ovtcharova |
Volume 1. Session 1 Information Systems
Development of unidirectional data diode system in the secure environment | PDF (English) |
A G Vorontsov, S A Petunin |
Volume 1. Session 2 Information Technology
Methodology of software system building for distributed processing of regional authorities spatial data (the case of the republic of Bashkortostan) | PDF (English) |
S V Pavlov, O A Efremova |
Volume 1. Session 3 Artificial Intelligence Tools
Transformation of cognitive models into knowledge base of production expert system | PDF (English) |
A G Massel, D V Pesterev |
Volume 1. Session 4 IT Applications
The use of the historical job data scheduler to analyze high performance computing applications | PDF (English) |
A G Vorontsov, S A Petunin, P S Petuninа |
The energy-efficient technologies in the educational program of the architectural higher school | PDF (English) |
Alexander Alexandrovich Petunin, G B Zakharova, A I Krivonogov, G B Zakharova |
Volume 1. Session 6 Mathematical Models, Algorithms and Simulation
Routing in CNC Cutting Machines: Engineering Constraints | PDF (English) |
P A Chentsov, A A Petunin |
Processing of Interval Data in Databases for Analytics | PDF (English) |
A V Galkin, A K Pogodaev, P V Saraev |
Volume 2. Cover Page and Contents Proceeding
Cover page and contents proceedings | PDF (English) |
Yusupova Nafisa Islamovna, G. T. Popov, Heinz Woern, George Kovacs, Jivka Ovtcharova |
Volume 2. Session 3 Artificial Intelligence Tools
Neural network modeling for diagnostics support of myocardial infarction localization | PDF (English) |
R. R. Akhmetvaleev, N. Sh. Zagidullin, I. A. Lakman, D. V. Popov |
Ontological analysis methods as a tool for a personal decision making process | PDF (English) |
E. B. Startseva, A. Yu. Grimaylo, F. Llopis Pascual |
Volume 2. Session 6 Mathematical Models, Algorithms and Simulation
Modern technologies of modeling of technological processes | PDF (English) |
M. A. Plotnicov, E. I. Filosova |

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