Volume 1. Session 1 Information Systems
Development of unidirectional data diode system in the secure environment | PDF (English) |
A G Vorontsov, S A Petunin |
Architecture of The Security Access System for Information on the State of Automatic Control Systems of Aircraft | PDF (English) |
K V Mironov, D Ju Zakharov, V V Berkholts, A M Vulfin, A I Frid |
Meteoinformation Systems as a New Approach to Study Meteorological Phenomena | PDF (English) |
Mironov Valeriy Viktorovich, G R Vorobeva, A V Vorobev, O I Khristodulo |
Snow cover characteristics for the hydrological Volga sub-basins and their influence on spring floods in the Republic of Bashkortostan | PDF (English) |
Olga I Khristodulo, A F Atnabaev, J Leitner, I Klein, A J Dietz, A V Vorobev |
Volume 1. Session 2 Information Technology
Data mining technologies in the problem of designing the bank transaction monitoring system | PDF (English) |
K V Mironov, A V Nikonov, A M Vulfin, M M Gayanova, M U Sapozhnikova |
Cardiovascular diseases diagnosis on the basis of neural network analysis of the biomedical signals | PDF (English) |
K V Mironov, M U Sapozhnikova, A M Vulfin, M M Gayanova, A V Nikonov |
Volume 1. Session 3 Artificial Intelligence Tools
The new combined method of the generation of a three-dimensional dense map of environment based on history of camera positions and the robot's movements | PDF (English) |
A V Vokhmintsev, M S Timchenko |
Volume 1. Session 4 IT Applications
The use of the historical job data scheduler to analyze high performance computing applications | PDF (English) |
A G Vorontsov, S A Petunin, P S Petuninа |
On issue of Modelling the Oil Producing Well as a Complex Multi-component Control Object | PDF (English) |
V I Vasilyev, I F Nugaev |
Design of multi-level intelligent control systems for complex technical objects on the basis of theoretical-information approach | PDF (English) |
S S Valeev, V I Vasilyev, B G Ilyasov |
Volume 1. Session 5 Robotics
Testing a mobile robotic wheelchair controlled with several channels | PDF (English) |
Evgeny Chepin, K Y Kudryavcev, T I Voznenko, A A Gridnev |
Volume 2. Session 1 Information Systems
The architecture of the web application for protected access to the informational system of processing critically important information | PDF (English) |
A. I. Frid, A. M. Vulfin, V. V. Berkholts, D. Ju. Zakharov, K. V. Mironov |
Volume 2. Session 2 Information Technology
Architecture of heterogeneous computation system for complex dynamic objects simulation | PDF (English) |
A. I. Zagitova, S. S. Valeev |
Volume 2. Session 4 IT Applications
Multi-agent software architecture for distributed streaming data processing in heterogeneous computer networks | PDF (English) |
A. S. Kovtunenko, S. S. Valeev |

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