Volume 1. Session 1 Information Systems
Architecture of The Security Access System for Information on the State of Automatic Control Systems of Aircraft | PDF (English) |
K V Mironov, D Ju Zakharov, V V Berkholts, A M Vulfin, A I Frid |
Application of the component analysis for regions in education, labor, innovations | PDF (English) |
B G Ilyasov, E R Gabdullina, E Sh Zakieva, E A Makarova |
Volume 1. Session 3 Artificial Intelligence Tools
Dynamic management model of the life quality integral indicator as a multilayer interaction system of triad factors | PDF (English) |
B G Ilyasov, E R Gabdullina, E Sh Zakieva, E A Makarova |
Volume 1. Session 4 IT Applications
The energy-efficient technologies in the educational program of the architectural higher school | PDF (English) |
Alexander Alexandrovich Petunin, G B Zakharova, A I Krivonogov, G B Zakharova |
Volume 1. Session 6 Mathematical Models, Algorithms and Simulation
Increasing the reliability of numerical data under conditions of indeterminacy using several methods | PDF (English) |
V P Zhitnikov, N I Zhitnikova, R R Muksimova, N M Sherykhalina |
Volume 2. Session 1 Information Systems
Geodata-Based CRM Integration: from Unified Data Model to Efficient Marketing Strategies | PDF (English) |
N. Fomichyov, V. Abdulmyanov, A. Sivtsov, S. Zykov |
The architecture of the web application for protected access to the informational system of processing critically important information | PDF (English) |
A. I. Frid, A. M. Vulfin, V. V. Berkholts, D. Ju. Zakharov, K. V. Mironov |
Volume 2. Session 2 Information Technology
Architecture of heterogeneous computation system for complex dynamic objects simulation | PDF (English) |
A. I. Zagitova, S. S. Valeev |
Volume 2. Session 3 Artificial Intelligence Tools
Neural network modeling for diagnostics support of myocardial infarction localization | PDF (English) |
R. R. Akhmetvaleev, N. Sh. Zagidullin, I. A. Lakman, D. V. Popov |
Fuzzy Modeling of Dynamic Multistage Process Non-Linear Stages | PDF (English) |
N. Y. Zhbanova |
Volume 2. Session 4 IT Applications
Complex analysis of medical data with Data Mining usage | PDF (English) |
N. I. Yusupova, G. R. Shakhmametova, R. Kh. Zulkarneev |
Volume 2. Session 6 Mathematical Models, Algorithms and Simulation
Identification and Approximation Errors Investigation | PDF (English) |
V. P. Zhitnikov, R. R. Muksimova, O. R. Zinnatullina, D. K. Kas’yanov |

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