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Massel, Lyudmila, Energy Systems Institute
Mironov, K V, Institute of New Materials and Technologies Ural Federal University Department of Computer Science and Robotics Ufa State Aviation Technical University
Mironov, K. V., <p class="CSIT-Title5">Ufa State Aviation Technical University</p>
Mironov, Valeriy Viktorovich, Ufa State Aviation Technical University
Morozov, A., <p class="CSIT-Title5">Technische Universität Dresden</p> Nöthnitzer
Muksimova, R R, <p class="CSIT-Title5">Department of Applied Mathematics</p> Saint Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation
Muksimova, R. R., Ufa State Aviation Technical University
Munasypov, R. A., Ufa State Aviation Technical University
Muravyova, E A, <p class="CSIT-Title5"><span lang="EN-US">Ufa State Petroleum Technological University</span><span lang="EN-US">,</span></p> <span lang="EN-US">Sterlitamak Branch</span>
Murzakhanova, R A, <p class="CSIT-Title5">Department of computer science and robotics</p> Ufa state aviation technical University


Nikonov, A V, <p class="CSIT-Title5">Department of Computer Science and Robotics</p> Ufa State Aviation Technical University
Nikonov, A V, <p class="CSIT-Title5"><span lang="EN-US">Department of Computer Science and Robotics</span></p> <p class="CSIT-Title5"><span lang="EN-US">Ufa</span><span lang="EN-US"> State Aviation Technical University</span><span lang="EN-US"> </span></p>
Nugaev, I F, <p class="CSIT-Title5">Department of Electronics and Biomedical Technology</p> Ufa State Aviation Technical University
Nurgaliev, R R, Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, Sterlitamak Branch
Nurgayanova, O., Ufa State Aviation Technical University


Orekhov, E. Yu., Ufa State Aviation Technical University
Orekhov, Yu. V., Ufa State Aviation Technical University
Ovtcharova, Jivka, <span>Karlsruhe Institute of Technology</span>
Ovtcharova, Jivka, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology


Pascual, F. Llopis, University of Alicante
Pavlov, S V, Department of Computer Science and Robotics Ufa State Aviation Technical University
Pesterev, D V, Laboratory of Information TechnologiesMelentiev Energy Systems InstituteIrkutsk, Russian Federation
Petunin, A A, Ural Federal University
Petunin, A A, <p class="CSIT-Title5">Institute of New Materials and Technologies</p> Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin
Petunin, Alexander Alexandrovich, UrFU

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